Colloquium: "A Generalization of the Springer Resolution for GL_n(C)"

Martha Precup, Northwestern

Abstract: The Springer correspondence relates irreducible representations of the symmetric group to a subset of simple perverse sheaves on the nilpotent cone of gl_n(C). The Springer resolution of the nilpotent cone and its fibers play an essential role in this result.

In the 1980's, Lusztig proved that each simple perverse sheaf on the nilpotent cone corresponds to an irreducible representation of a relative Weyl group.  This series of results is known as the generalized Springer correspondence. The focus of this talk will be a map defined by Graham which plays a role in the generalized Springer correspondence analogous to that of the Springer resolution in the Springer correspondence.  We will describe the fibers of this map using the combinatorics of standard tableaux.  This talk is based on joint work with William Graham and Amber Russell.

Host: Matt Kerr

Tea @ 3:45 in Cupples I, Room 200